Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Hope of Memory [Update 18] Wilders Cover

Wanted to quickly post the Wilders cover after putting it together this weekend.  What does the symbol stand for?  Well, if you've read The Distant, you'll know.

Wilders will be out in 2014 for sure, but I don't have any date set it stone.  It depends on how much of Rom Tar (Book 3) I need write before feeling comfortable finalizing Wilders.

Rom Tar is coming along, at around 40K words now, 9 chapters done.  Definitely a bit harder to write than the first two...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cut Stories - Version 1.1

My first update for BĂ©atrice Coron's Cut Stories went live today.  I updated it to Version 1.1.  The update process is just as simple as the submission process... Apple makes it fairly painless.

The update made it compatible with iOS 7.0, as well as changing the minimum required OS to 6.0.  Most people are on 6 or 7 at this point... no need to really support 5 anymore.

Also made a few tweaks to the logic, menu button updates and minor bug fixes. There's still a slight problem with stuttering for Retina iPads, and I have an update for landscape mode in the works.  It's been slow going since I've been so busy lately.  Hopefully I'll have it done soon.