Wednesday, September 7, 2011

eBook Publication - Bonebearer

I've finally released my first novel, Bonebearer, as a Kindle eBook on Amazon.  It has been released under my pen name, Brad Murgen.

It can be purchased here:

USA ($0.99):

UK (£0.86 - at time of posting):

If you want to check it out prior to purchasing, you can get a free sample sent to your Kindle... the sample is comprised of the first two chapters, along with a portion of the third chapter.

I actually wrote this novel many years ago, all the way back in 2003, and it's been through a few revisions since then.  I sent it to a few major publishers and got rejected (of course) and eventually I got really busy with other things in my life, and the book and my other writings got put on hold.  But now, I figured it was time to start getting my work out there, so I decided to just self-publish it.

Here is the blurb I posted on Amazon:
Kother is a young Yanai boy that lives in the jungles of Kounna. He grows up learning the ways of the jungle and what is expected of a Yanai male, though with his own private doubts about the accepted traditions and rituals of his people.

When he embarks on the male Yanai "coming of age" mission to retrieve his soulstones, he realizes that he is not fit to be a Yanai, and has no true desire to be. This realization leads him on a quest beyond the jungles of his homeland, through deserts and tundra and mountains, encountering strange peoples and customs, searching for the meaning behind his existence.

What he finds is disconcerting... and what he eventually becomes is even more disturbing, for deception lies at the core of all things.
It's kind of a "why do we do things this way?" novel, a topic I've always been fascinated by.  I think about things that we as a human race do or believe in, and wonder where they came from, how they originated, how they possibly got twisted as knowledge was passed down through generations over the centuries.  It's a fantasy, though there's no magic or anything like that.

I am looking into other eBook publishing avenues in order to get the book to as broad an audience as possible, but I haven't decided on any others yet.  Kindle eBooks can be accessed from so many device types now (Kindle, PC, handset, tablet), that I'm not even sure it's worth publishing through other sites.  So we'll see.

Currently working on a simple author website using WordPress ( and some author info (photo, bio), which will be up in the next few days.  I probably won't blog on the author site.  I will move this one over if the need arises.

I have another novel and a collection of short stories about ready to go for the future, so there will be more material from me if you happen to like this novel.  It's only a buck... give it a try!

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