Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Brad Murgen on Bandcamp

So if you're familiar with my Music page, you'll know that I wrote and recorded some electronica music a while back (2004, to be exact).  Those songs have been on the page for free since I put it up, but now I've decided to take them off there and throw them up on Bandcamp to hopefully generate more interest, since it can be discovered easier there and linked to other music via tags, etc.  I've also put it in the sidebar below Apps.

Here's the link:

Goblin Stands by Brad Murgen

You can get it for free by entering "0" as the amount when you click "Buy Now."  You can also donate something if you like.

I'd like to eventually do more music, though I have little free time right now as I'm involved in a few other things.  But I feel I'm pretty good at it and I enjoy doing it.

My idea right now is to do soundtracks for my novels...

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