Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Hope of Memory [Update 6] Keep on Truckin'

Just wanted to post a quick update on the trilogy I'm currently working on, The Hope of Memory.  All updates will now be titled as The Hope of Memory.  I recently moved to a new apartment, so that's why I haven't updated my blog in a while (and all 3 followers have been waiting with bated breath for some kind of post, right?).  I'll be blogging about a recent wine trip to Paso Robles, so do look out for that four-part monster very soon.

Anyway, I'm still truckin' along with my trilogy, splitting time between editing the first book, The Distant, and writing the second book, Wilders (I'm now at 48K words)This has actually turned out to be a good thing, because there are a few scenes that appear in both books, each from a different point of view.  So it's nice that I haven't finalized The Distant yet, because then I can revise both at the same time and make sure they are in sync.

So at this point I'm pretty sure I won't finalize and release The Distant until I'm done with the first draft of Wilders.  I need to make sure there are no inconsistencies.

The Third Book

The title of the third book in the trilogy will be Rom Tar.  This title will obviously make no sense to anyone reading this right now.  But once you read the first book it will.  There will be a little overlap between this book and the second one, but not as bad as the first and second.  Still, I can see myself writing the first draft of it before releasing the second book, much like I'm doing for books one and two.

Not much else to say, other than I'm still working on it, doing something every day - and still debating whether I should get someone to edit The Distant, or just get some beta readers to give me impressions on it.  I'll talk more about this in the next update... it's something I'm really waffling on.

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